Why do humans use electrical voltage to represent signals, instead of other ways?



Why do humans use electrical voltage to represent signals, instead of other ways?

When people talk to each other in person, they use human language and body language to communicate information. But what if they cannot see/hear each other, how could they represent and send messages?

Why do humans use electrical voltage to represent signals, instead of other ways?

Before human learnt how to use electricity, our ancestors used rope knots, picture on rocks/total back to keep messages. After human created writing languages, characters were employed to represent information.

Why do humans use electrical voltage to represent signals, instead of other ways?

In the modern world, electrical voltage is used to represent a wide range of information, including audio, video, and data. It is a reliable, versatile, scalable, and cost-effective way to transmit information. we could define a term-signal, conveying information about the behavior or attributes of some phenomenon.

Why do humans use electrical voltage to represent signals, instead of other ways?
Sine wave on a scope, showing amplitude, frequency

There are a number of other ways to represent signals, such as light, sound, and mechanical motion. However, electrical voltage has a number of advantages over these other methods.

  • Reliability: Electrical voltage is a physical quantity that can be easily measured and transmitted over long distances. It is also relatively immune to noise and interference.
  • Versatility: Voltage can be used to represent a wide range of information, including audio, video, and data.
  • Scalability: Voltage can be easily amplified or attenuated to represent different levels of information.
  • Cost-effectiveness: The cost of electrical components that generate and detect voltage is relatively low.

In addition to the advantages listed above, electrical voltage also has a number of other advantages over other methods of signal representation. For example, electrical voltage can be easily processed by electrical devices, such as computers and smartphones. This makes it possible to store, transmit, and manipulate information in a variety of ways. Please see the following pictures, how I used Matlab to proceed human voice signal in real time.

Why do humans use electrical voltage to represent signals, instead of other ways?

Human voice signal real-time analysis in time domain and frequency domain

In the last 70 years, humans have been making progress in information technology, which include hardware and software. Here are main events for circuits part development:

  • The invention of the transistor in 1947: The transistor was a major breakthrough in the development of electrical  devices. It allowed for the miniaturization of electrical  circuits, which made it possible to create more powerful and versatile electrical  devices.
  • The development of the integrated circuit in 1958: The integrated circuit was another major breakthrough in the development of electrical  devices. It allowed for the integration of multiple transistors onto a single chip, which further miniaturized electrical  circuits and made them even more powerful and versatile.
  • The development of the internet in the 1980s: The internet has revolutionized the way we communicate and share information. It has made it possible to transmit electrical  signals over long distances almost instantaneously.
Why do humans use electrical voltage to represent signals, instead of other ways?
Signal tranceiver pole

ScienceExplorationLab likes the concept - people-oriented technology.  All new tech enhances our ability to see/hear/run, improve our health and living conditions. Specifically, I really appreciate tech that can help disabilities to live like others. 

 Nowadays, information mainly coded and transmitted in the following ways:
  • Audio: Electrical voltage is used to represent audio information in a variety of devices, such as radios, speakers, and headphones. In a radio, for example, the electrical voltage from an antenna is amplified and then used to drive a speaker. The speaker then converts the electrical voltage into sound waves that can be heard by the listener.
  • Video: Electrical voltage is also used to represent video information. In a television, for example, the electrical voltage from a camera is amplified and then used to drive a display. The display then converts the electrical voltage into images that can be seen by the viewer.
  • Data: Electrical voltage is also used to represent data. In a computer, for example, the electrical voltage from a keyboard is used to enter data into the computer. The computer then stores the data in its memory and processes it as needed.
Why do humans use electrical voltage to represent signals, instead of other ways?
Human ECG

For now, The internet has become an indispensable part of our lives. It has revolutionized the way we communicate, learn, entertain ourselves, and conduct business. Fiber optic internet is the fastest and most reliable type of internet connection available, and it offers a number of benefits over traditional cable internet. Fiber optic internet is much faster than traditional cable internet. This means you can stream high-definition video, download large files quickly, and play online games without lag.

Why do humans use electrical voltage to represent signals, instead of other ways?
Sine and PWM signal

In the future, if we really move to Mars, imagine we could travel within 10 minutes, talk to cushions without sound/video delay,  help people to overcome cancers, that would be fantastic!

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